Suzuki Piano Teacher Training

I have been a Suzuki Piano Teacher Trainer since 1987. My goal is to present teachers with a comprehensive approach to Suzuki Piano teaching by being attentive to the following:

  • Suzuki Method philosophy and methodology. Understanding these two aspects is important for teachers, not in some kind of dogmatic or authoritarian way, but as a secure, flexible, and fertile foundation for music teaching. My courses are all about helping teachers make meaningful connections between their own experiences of teaching and what the Suzuki Method has to offer.
  • Students’ interests. Students are autonomous learners who value exploration, creation, and mastery. Consequently, effective teaching necessarily goes beyond passive student repetition of performance drills. I present courses that meticulously examine what’s involved in engaging students as active participants in their own learning.
  • Teachers’ voices. Teachers come with various musical backgrounds and perspectives. They bring immense personal, professional, musical, and instructional experience to their own learning. They have things to share. My courses recognize the value of teachers’ voices, inviting participants to contribute and stimulate a welcoming environment of discussions and reflections.
  • Having worked with hundreds of students, parents, and teachers across Canada, USA, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, I openly share my vast knowledge and experience of teaching. As an active music education scholar, I draw from current research to inform my teaching approach. My scholarly publications have received international recognition.

I offer courses of special interest for a broad range of pianists including university students, experienced Suzuki Piano teachers, and international piano teachers.

Course Offerings

Every Child Can – TBA
Every Child Can is an introduction to Dr. Suzuki’s philosophy and its application to Suzuki education. For parents, teachers, prospective teachers and others, this course provides an inspiring, in-depth look at the Suzuki approach to teaching and learning. In addition to exploring the elements of the Suzuki approach and its far-reaching goals, it includes an introduction to learning styles, history of the development of Suzuki education, the role of parents, the importance of Suzuki pedagogical training, and an overview of the Suzuki Association of the America’s role in supporting teachers and parents. No entrance requirements.

Suzuki Piano Volume 1 – TBA
The goal of the Suzuki Piano Volume 1 course is to prepare teachers to succeed in both pedagogic and philosophical aspects of Suzuki Piano teaching. This course explores Suzuki Piano Volume 1 repertoire as foundation for the development of independent and authentic student musicians. Topics in this course include: teachers’ own philosophy of teaching, tonalization study, learning to play by ear, Mother Tongue principle, prep class structure, piano technique and tone production, group class formats, philosophy of education, effective communication skills, ability to accurately evaluate, knowledge of child development, working with parents as well as excellent personal and professional management skills. By linking teachers’ teaching philosophy to the various aspects of Suzuki Piano Volume 1 teaching, teachers broaden their understanding and gain practical insight into teaching as a multilayered endeavor.
Entrance requirements: completion of Every Child Can. For audition requirements, see the Suzuki Association of the Americas website regarding audition preparation/evaluation criteria: